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Star of the Week
Primary- Charliee-For positively engaging with school lessons for a whole week and always greeting her teacher with a smile!
Secondary- Kennedy for being an incredible student and ready to try anything!!
Primary - Aoife for consistent and hard work in a range of subjects.
Secondary - Ayman forsitting his mock Science exams this week and preparing hard for them.
Certificate of Engagement (SEND)
Miracle (GOSH) - for working really hard in his lessons and for being an excellent student.
Fatima (GOSH) -Working so hard to move both hands to communicate choice through pointing at symbols, we are so proud of her!
Lola (UCLH) - for showing great determination to complete her home school maths work.
Kowsar (UCLH) - for being determined and keeping up with her maths work.
Tahir (GOSH) - for his ‘great switch pressing and football skills’
Florentia (GOSH) - for engaging really positively in school during the first week of her admission.
Maryam and Saki for building a friendship and working well together.