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GOSH Star of the Week
UCLH - Eva for being enthusiastic and engaging in her lessons for her first week at hospital school.
GOSH Secondary- Sophie for approaching every lesson with positivity and working hard throughout!
GOSH Primary- Jesse for his determination and commitment to learning to read!
Zainab (GOSH) for demonstrating enthusiasm and creativity with all school tasks.
Shano (UCLH) for being determined to come to school each morning even when not feeling well.
Marija (GOSH) for making her marshmallow snowflakes independently.
Nuraldine (UCLH) for his hard work, motivated approach and excellent engagement.
Jaxson (GOSH) for working so hard at the Flipped Fairytale project – he’s kept going, worked with 2 different teachers and produced some great work!
Certificate of Engagement (SEND)
Moosa (GOSH) for engaging really well in the lessons and producing fantastic work.